SOCS Prof Lightning Research Talks (Round 1)

SOCS Professors

Sept. 8, 2023, 2:35 p.m. - Sept. 8, 2023, 3:25 p.m.

TR 2100

The first two colloquia (Sep. 8 & Sep. 15) of the academic year will feature lightning talks from our own professors in the School of Computer Science. This will be a great opportunity to get a quick overview of some ongoing research in our department. Please come hear about new research problems, and then discuss with students and faculty over snacks and drinks!
Sept 8th Lineup: 
Mathieu Blanchette  - Welcome to the School!Giulia Alberini and Paul Kry - TA AwardsYue Li - Bioinformatics at SOCSPaul Kry - Computer Animation + AI: New TrajectoriesGolnoosh Farnadi - Responsible AI
Note: Light snacks to follow at a reception in MC 321 starting around 3:30pm.