The Graduate Program Coordinator, Ann Jack, is the main contact person for applicants and students in the M.Sc. and PhD thesis programs. Please contact her for all questions related to admissions, administrative procedures, and program requirements. If she is not able to answer a particular question, she will forward it to the relevant academic director.
The Student Advising Supervisor, Diti Anastasopoulos, is the main contact person for applicants and students of the M.Sc. (non-thesis) program. Please contact her for all questions related to admissions, administrative procedures, and program requirements for the M.Sc. (non-thesis) program. If she is not able to answer a particular question, she will forward it to the relevant academic director.
PhD Graduate Program Director, Prof. Luc Devroye, is responsible for managing all aspects of our PhD program and for advising students on academic matters.
MSc thesis Graduate Program Director, Prof. Paul Kry, is responsible for managing all aspects of our MSc. (thesis) program and for advising students that are already in our program on academic matters.
MSc non-thesis Graduate Program Director, Prof. Bettina Kemme, is responsible for managing all aspects of our MSc. (non-thesis) program.
Graduate Admssions Director, Prof. Muthucumaru Mahewaran, oversees the admission process to all our graduate programs.