Jan. 7, 2019
The School of Computer Science is pleased to welcome two new professors, Dr. Will Hamilton and Dr. Yue Li, who joined the department in January.
Dr. Yue Li's research is focused on developing machine learning approaches in healthcare and functional genomics. In particular, Dr. Li’s group develops interpretable probabilistic learning models and deep generative models to leverage genetic, epigenetic, electronic health record, and medical imaging data from heterogeneous populations. By systematically integrating multimodal and longitudinal data, Dr. Li aims to have impactful applications in computational medicine including building intelligent clinical recommender systems, forecasting patient health trajectories, personalized polygenic risk predictions, and characterizing multi-trait functional genetic mutations.
Link to Prof. Li's website: https://cs.mcgill.ca/~yueli/
Dr. William L. Hamilton's research focuses on developing machine learning models that can reason about our complex, interconnected world. The research conducted by Dr. Hamilton and his group lies at the intersection of machine learning, network science, and natural language processing, with a current emphasis on the fast-growing subjects of graph representation learning and graph neural networks. Dr. Hamilton and his group aim to build the next generation of machine learning models that can go beyond simple perceptual tasks, such as object recognition, to perform more complex forms of logical reasoning---with applications in computational biology (e.g., designing new medicines and treatment strategies) and computational social science (e.g., designing socially aware and intelligent dialogue agents).
Link to Prof. Hamilton's website: https://williamleif.github.io/
Welcome to the department!